“I won’t be here tomorrow…”
I looked up from my desk.
Gwendil paused.
“I am having a pregnancy check up.”
“WHA-OH-MY-WORD, you’re having a baby?!!!” I squealed.
Gwendil laughed and grinned in agreement.
“Do you know what you’re having?”
“No, we don’t. But I hope it’s a girl! We’d have it made – you know, a boy and girl!”
And I hoped so hard right along with her.
Can you guess what my first question was when Gwendil’s baby arrived? 😉
Sweet Poppy was past those first ten days of life by the time the new family of four had their first professional photos. Consequently, she has her eyes wide open in every photo. And as much as I love dreamy newborn photos, there is a different kind of wonder in this next stage.
Her contentment with mama, her amusement with Daddy and her concern when big brother wrapped his arms tight around her – so much to love and laugh about in years to come.
So can I say it again?! Congratulations, Gwendil! Enjoy being mother to your handsome little man and your own little girl. She’s adorable!

Christella xx