Eighty percent. A high chance, wouldn’t you say? Those were the numbers the weather website announced that morning. The likelihood of thunderstorms was more than a slim possibility. And the maximum temperature? A grand 11C. Freezing, right?! If only one could know this in advance, when booking photoshoots! I worried about my clients with such grim prospects. No doubt, a reschedule would be inevitable.
I called Danielle. And surprise! I discovered the opposite! She was more than willing take the chances. And I suspect that’s how some of life’s best adventures are born!
Yes, we needed blankets to ward off the bite in the air. But oh, the coziness and the happiness of snuggling together! And yes, the storm clouds rolled in. The heavens dropped their little bucketful. Yet, that took us to a rocking chair under shelter. And the change of scenery was just the adventure littlest miss needed. Together they gathered sticks and ‘built a fire’ to warm themselves up by. Played chasey. Danced and twirled. Were little grinches under the bridge.
From the mud on the littlest miss’ knees and the twinkle in each one’s eyes, I suspect that memories were created which will last a lifetime. These photos will make sure of it!








Christella xx