Snow in Spring: Mongolia

“No ginger for you here, sorry. But I like this place. I think we’ll be back,” I lay feverish in the car, trying to get comfortable. The news sparked little joy or interest. It was 2022 and the difficult beginnings…
“No ginger for you here, sorry. But I like this place. I think we’ll be back,” I lay feverish in the car, trying to get comfortable. The news sparked little joy or interest. It was 2022 and the difficult beginnings…
The year was 2020: bright with promise and full of hope. With several friends, Jared caught a plane from the USA to participate in an intensive training program. I agreed to be the main cook. Amy was one of the…
A birthday party and newcomers to town; motorbike malfunctions and a mechanic: a few ingredients of this love story. The party was mine, the motorbike my sister’s and the mechanic’s name was Connor. Connor was not on my original invite…
A new Facebook message. Emma was the name. “Hi! I’ve been browsing your photography and it’s so stunning. I love your edits and would love to know if you come to Narrabri regularly?” My response, a resounding “aww YES!!” Cue…
An invitation. An impossibility. “Would you come to Mongolia? Sing, help teach English…” I smiled as I heard the warm voice of the world traveler and family friend. “I would love to help! “But I can’t. Between my work and…
Luke and Lauren’s wedding day arrived wrapped in a blanket of grey. I know how to work with storm clouds. But there is something magical about sunshine. So I prayed. The atmosphere indoors where the girls readied themselves was everything…
“When my baby shower was being planned, I told Heidi to hint to my friends that what I’d really love as a gift was newborn photos with you.” I know Tahlee couldn’t see the grin that rippled across my face,…
What makes a fond childhood memory? Favourite people? Familiar places? Scents that take us back in an instant? For me, it’s all those things. And said favourites usually included my siblings. Because well, I have a lot of them –…
There are special moments in time and there are special people too. The time when Gina Munro reached out, asking me to document her surprise wedding was one of those moments. And the more time I spend with Gina, I…
For those who have been with me from the start of my journey, I dare say you might recognise these children, especially the littlest miss. They were first. My first (non-related-to-me) family who trusted me with capturing an afternoon with…