Christella Maria

Christella Maria

Perri: Moree Newborn Photographer

My head throbs, but my heart smiles. I was awake ridiculously late last night. Or should we be honest and call it this morning? I’m an infamous all-or-nothing, wrapped-up-in-the-here-and-now girl. So… when my latest assignment deadline caught up with me…

Summer Train Through Russia

Four, I mean, three hours to go now. The time-zone has changed again. I must factor that in as I look from the digital clock showing Moscow time to the window again. Towering forest, rolling hills, picture-book dachas coupled with…

Viva Italia

The Serbian ‘Autoput’ is the place for quick, albeit expensive travel. Toll booths seem to loom ahead every half an hour. More Slavic ink in my passport and another country to tick off my list. Making a beeline for Venice,…

Rural NSW Photographer

Cameras have always had a magnetic effect on me. It’s probably something in my genes. My grandfather used to turn the family bathroom into his own dark room where he would develop his photos. I have been told that he…