My head throbs, but my heart smiles. I was awake ridiculously late last night. Or should we be honest and call it this morning? I’m an infamous all-or-nothing, wrapped-up-in-the-here-and-now girl. So… when my latest assignment deadline caught up with me I had to pull some crazy hours. Twenty-three, to be exact. That’s why my head is throbbing. But it’s not the reason I’m smiling.
Wanna know why? Or have you guessed already? 😀 Yes, it’s Perri. This sweet little starlet had me in awe of both her tinyness and her perfection from the moment I saw her. She clearly has both her parents wrapped around her little finger. Heidi laughingly told us that from the moment she came into existence she became Daniel’s favourite girl.
When I first met Daniel and Heidi their energy and enthusiasm was inspiring. This time the tell-tale signs of parenthood were obvious: the frequent yawns, quiet tones and weary smiles. And I can relate after last night! Yet even more visible still is just how much love and delight has multiplied in this little family with the arrival of Perri.
Congratulations Heidi and Daniel! Here’s to wishing for you both at least some sleep and lots of snuggles and adventure in the years to come with this little sunshine!



Christella xx