Some photo shoots are simple from start to finish.
Haha, scratch that. Photo shoots NEVER go exactly to plan for me. But perhaps that’s because you can’t plan magic? Besides, this cautious little home girl definitely needs a regular dose of adventure. 😀 And that’s what the lead up to and newborn session for little Mya and her family was! When I got Renaye’s email, it was an assignment d-day. When I finally got to thinking about availabilities and speaking with her I was effectively asking if ‘tomorrow’ would work for her. Once confirmed, the next unexpected twist was her favourite colours. Green and orange. Green and orange?! What did I have in those colours? So we pulled out the yarns and picked grass and leaves; found an orange ribbon received with a gift long ago.
When we arrived at the given location, I realised that my confidence in locating the ‘house on the corner’ was unfounded. An intersection has four corners, of course… Ah, four possible homes?! But no problem! They have dogs! Simply follow the sound of barking. (Now, what are the chances the neighbours own dogs too?;)) Finally, on the fourth corner, a man approached us with that tell-tale rescuer look.
Things got better though. The family was relaxed and capturing the parent’s glow of pride, big sister’s delight and baby’s absolute perfection was a dream. And two things were as obvious as ever – this little one has inherited her parents’ good looks and is bound to be amazing little human with such loving, thoughtful, protective and happy parents. And from one big sister observing another, I just reckon that these little girls are going to grow up as best friends. Can you see it too?





Christella xx