Elsie: Moree Newborn Session

“When my baby shower was being planned, I told Heidi to hint to my friends that what I’d really love as a gift was newborn photos with you.” I know Tahlee couldn’t see the grin that rippled across my face,…
“When my baby shower was being planned, I told Heidi to hint to my friends that what I’d really love as a gift was newborn photos with you.” I know Tahlee couldn’t see the grin that rippled across my face,…
Milk-drunk babe, starstruck big brothers and sister, parents overwhelmed by the reality of their long-prayed and hoped-for miracle — this is the story of baby Bonnie. Gabrielle contacted me a few weeks before their fourth child was due. I remember…
Her message was simple but I got the memo. Baby boy was premmie but had been world-side for eight weeks. If I were to somehow capture that newborn magic I had to do so quickly. Within a week of Karla’s…